Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Drunken Master

Will this feeling of dizziness ever go away?  I sure hope so! how can people live with a constant feeling of vertigo.  Now I do not have vertigo, but disequilibrium, still this is enough for me to work hard at doing simple things.  Walking has become somewhat of a challenge as I tend to really focus on where I place my steps.  Getting out of bed has to be slowly or else the dizziness gets worse, as with all other activities.  I have not tried to drive, as I do not want to compromise mine and others safety. 
Who would have thought that something so small as the inner ear would have such a huge impact on my other body systems.

Lets move on to more of the treatment.  My ENT has put me on an oral steroid treatment for about 10 days.  He did mention that in his 30 years of practice, he has had another patient that suffered profound hearing loss and was able to fully recover his hearing in 10 days while taking oral steroids (so you are telling me there is a chance).  Most cases of profound hearing loss get better but usually never recover their hearing completely.  In most cases the hearing comes back in 3-4 days if there is going to be a complete recovery.  Ten days is what most doctors use as the main window for recovery.
From everything that I have read, oral steroids are the best way to treat SSHL.  Some doctors do prefer for a steroid injection to the inner ear, but no major studies have been done to prove their benefit.  The ENT in seeing has also concurred this steroid method.  Ultimately its up to the patient to decide if you want the injection or not.
I also did go get a second opinion, not that I was unhappy with my first doctor.  I just think for such a condition its worth getting another doctors input.  Livng in Houston, I was able to find one neurotologist/otologist (specialty of the inner ear).  The second doctor gave me the same diagnosis, SSHL, and prescribed me the same medication. 
I found comfort in knowing that two excellent doctors with many years of experience have provided me with the same diagnosis. 
Now to find out what caused this condition, hopefully we will be able to find out, though the odds are not in our favor. 
This might as well be the greatest mystery of my life, just the same as how in the world did my Achilles tendon snap several years ago (These are questions for God).
Both doctors have requested to get an MRI performed on my head, just to make sure there is no tumor, aneurysm or something that is impacting the nerve ending of the inner ear and/or the veins from the ear to the brain.

these steroids make you feel like you are on fire, at least thats one of the side effects.  Im constantly sweating and get hot flashes all day long.  On the plus side, im not breaking out with acne all over my face.

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