Sunday, February 24, 2013


Its been a while since my last blog post. I would like to let everyone that my progress is doing good, my hearing has not returned 100% but it's the best its been since I was affected with SSHL.
Currently I dont use a hearing aid and maybe down the road I will consider one, but as of today I have been able to adjust my lifestyle to SSHL. When I go out to a loud place I have learned to sit on one end of the crowd facing to my good ear to them.  At the beginning it was difficult to converse with a group larger than 4-6 people but now this is not a big problem.  With my wife, I also always sit on the side with the good ear facing her.

I also stopped taking the lypoflavanoid pill which was quite expensive without seeing a big improvement in my hearing.  There might have been small improvements in my hearing with the pill but not big enough for me to notice them.

Hope to hear from others to see how they are progressing with their hearing loss.